Hello! I'm Colin
My most valuable asset is my ability to construct innovative methods through which my partners can grow their businesses.

Colin Gallagher
Founder - Dwellie Homes Pty Ltd (Australia)
Business Development Manager
Senior Civil Engineer
UK: +447367 106791
Aus: +61478 016 862
Summer Lane B19 3SR,
Birmingham, West Midlands, UK
Date of Birth:
24th April 1992
Site Engineer
Modebest Ltd
Managing parts of construction projects.
Undertaking surveys. Setting out sites and organising facilities.
Checking technical designs and drawings to ensure that they are followed correctly. Supervising contracted staff.
Successfully met project timelines on all major projects.
Senior Engineer/Site Manager
Keltbray Group Ltd
Overseeing building work. Supervising contractors. Ensured outlined healthy & safety measures were met & adhered to.
Managed teams of up to 70 operatives in central London site. No reportable injuries/accidents during my tenure.
2019 - Present
Co-founder / Business Development Manager
Dwellie Homes Pty Ltd
Cofounder. Innovations & sales leader. Client facing role. Tasked with outline new ideas & methods to grow the business.
Successfully closed 11 commercial & residential projects in the first 7 months of operation. Highlights;
6no 4-bed townhouses - A$5.5m valuation upon completion
11no housing development - A$9m valuation upon completion
BSc Civil Engineering - Energy Systems
NUI Galway, Ireland
Leaving Certificate
Balla Secondary School

Telesales - Trained
Project Management
Business Growth Campaigns
Interpersonal Skills
Outside The Box Methods
Brand Development
The story a brand portrays is hugely important to it's growth trajectory. My expertise lies in my ability to communicate a brand message effectively to potential new customers.
Good branding tells a customer exactly the type of service, product & aftercare they will receive within 5 seconds of walking in the door.
Personnel Management
Having managed teams of up to 70 in my career I am well equipped with the skills to manage diverse teams & ensure they meet objectives in a fast paced environment.
A personnel touch is very important. Speaking to people via telephone, meeting in person and taking the time to get to know your counterparts will never be replaced by a LinkedIn message. My methods combine both digital & in-person marketing efforts to found a well rounded, empathetic approach to business development.